Updates on our progress in construction will be provided here in the form of photo displays. Please come back often to see the latest reports.
Progress to Date:
The first residents in Phase 2 of Quarry Hollow are Neil and Jean Bell who moved in in mid-October. They have graciously permitted us to take the pictures of the beautiful interior of their home displayed here.
Neil and Jean say they "really enjoy living in their new Quarry Hollow condo."
September 2008 - Views of the complete exterior of the Phase 2 units, with the road paving completed. |
July 2008 - Installation of the storm water sewer system. |
June 2008 - Units are insulated, vapour barriered, and drywalled. |
April 2008 - The walls and trusses go up for Phase 2. |
March 2008 - Adam Richardson, developer, being assisted by three of his sons.
Pictured, left to right, are Drew Richardson, Adin Richardson, Adam Richardson and Hardy Richasrdson. |
January 2008 - Surveyors and work crew complete the forms for the concrete footings for the Phase 2 foundations. |
Progress in 2006:
July 2006 - Phase 1 is completed. |
June 2006 - Drew Richardson, youngest son of Adam and Janet Richardson, shakes hands with Virginia Rolston, the first resident of Quarry Hollow.
Drew and �Ginny� are standing under the Richardson Lane road sign which commemorates the Madoc area Richardson Gold Strike of 1866, which was Ontario 's first gold rush. |
March 2006
Eldon and Marg Kemp take possession of # 1 Richardson Lane.
Feb. 2006
Vivian Vickers and Pal move into # 7 Richardson Lane.
Vivian Vickers is sitting with her dog and friend of many years, Brandy.
Jan. 1, 2006
# 9 Richardson Lane -
Elaine Roberts takes possession. The unit features a custom made gas fireplace by Adjan Developments Inc.
Progress in 2005:
December 1, 2005
Reeve of the Municipality of Centre Hastings, Tom Deline, and Developer, Adam Richardson (in the blue coat) assist residents in the ribbon cutting. McNabb Street is officially opened!
Oct. 17, 2005
Spraying the mulch and the grass takes root.
Sept. 27, 2005
Jerry gets rid of the wasps!
Sept. 23, 2005
< Opening the new road,
and laying the asphalt. >
Sept. 7, 2005.
< Adin Richardson, last day on the job.
Jerry and Scotty, carpenters extraordinairre! >
June 23, 2005
The Six-Plex takes shape.
Welcome to our New Residents!
February 2005: Welcome to Virginia in #2 Richardson Lane.
March 2005: Welcome to John, Diane and Mim, in #8 Richardson Lane.
Progress in 2004:
December 2004 -
The exterior of the building is completed.
(Please click on these images to see the larger versions.) |
November 2004 -
Road work is done on McNab St. and Richardson Lane to bring the roads up to grade.
(Please click on these images to see the larger versions.) |
October 2004 -
Hydro, Natural Gas, Cable and Bell services are placed in the ground.
(Please click on these images to see the larger versions.) |
September 9, 2004: This is a picture of the stone work beginning on the rear of the building. Please click the image for an enlargement and use the back arrow on your browser to return to this page. |
July 29, 2004 - framing of the 4-plex and progress on the 6-plex. This gallery includes a panoramic shot of the entire construction area. |
July 12, 2004 - The first 4-plex building is just about ready for the floor slab and the footings are being poured for the 6-plex building. |
Additional pictures of the permanent parkland area are available here. |
Progress in 2003:
Important news: All permits have been received for this project and it is in progress. Final approval from the Quinte Conservation Authority was obtained in December, 2003.